We are the Gantry Group.
The Gantry Group is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit located in New York City and works with youth and young adults from the greater New York area. The Gantry Group was founded by students who asked us to help them meet their needs, students who sought us out and asked us to share our sightlines and experiences. They embodied, in front of us, the national conversations about college persistence, opportunity gaps, underrepresented college cohorts, summer melt, and failing schools. And we, tutored by them, began building support-structures that promote their stability and success.
Get involved with us.
There are many ways to be part of our community! If you have a lot of time, we are excited to hear from you. If you have very little time, we are still excited to hear from you. Two hours only? Two hours in October helping a student with the FAFSA Application is meaningful engagement (and may be worth $6200 to the student).
Fill out the form here or email us directly at hello@gantrygroup.org.