

We are a broad and diverse community. We build strong, committed relationships.


Matriculation Support.

We help students arrive on campus confident and ready to succeed.


We structure accountability into our mentoring, tutoring, and scholarship programs.


On-Campus Mentoring.

We invest in college retention by arranging one-on-one mentoring and tutoring.

Financial Literacy.

We coach financial literacy and planning—backbones of stability and security.


Practical Assistance.

All students run into practical problems. We provide practical assistance.

College Readiness.

College Ready rates in NYC range from 2%-50%. We fortify our students academically.


Employment Services.

We are a college-to-career program and ready our students for employment.



Use Research.

We use academic research in combination with long experience and deep listening to inform how we work, what we develop and offer, and what we try to implement.

Find Partners.

We collaborate and build our community so that we expand the quality of our efforts while limiting the vulnerability of students to the wax and wane of adult interest.

Be Accountable.

We feel obligated to help students we encourage to college find financial assistance, and then motivated to help those students use resources wisely.

Care Deeply.

We care about access to education. We care about the safety and welfare of our students. We care about their sense of belonging as well as their educational successes.